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Premier Software Systems Blog

Two team members collaborating in front of a computer screen

How to Make Offshore/Outsourced Development Successful


The Need Has your company ever been required to complete… Read More »How to Make Offshore/Outsourced Development Successful

Two men looking at a computer screen and collaborating on a software development project.

How an Application Programming Model Can Transform Software Development


Do you have an Application Programming Model? If you have… Read More »How an Application Programming Model Can Transform Software Development

Don’t be penny wise and pound foolish!


The Real Cost of a Software Project What is the… Read More »Don’t be penny wise and pound foolish!

The Root Cause of the Death March


When I ask the question “has anyone heard of a… Read More »The Root Cause of the Death March

One Catastrophic Mistake to Avoid During Software Development


This is the 3rd post in the series highlighting the… Read More »One Catastrophic Mistake to Avoid During Software Development

Why I Speak at Industry Events


I hesitated for most of my career to begin speaking at conferences, conventions, and meetups.  The primary reason was centered around my belief that I still needed to learn more.  Operating with a continuous pursuit of improvement lead me to the feeling that I’m a work in progress and therefore not yet ready. 

Why Designing the Code Is So Important


In my last post, I talked about one of the 3 Common Software Design and Development Mistakes That Cause Teams to Fail,  which is also the title of my e-book.

Why You Should Design The Code Before Implementation


Another very common experience is being afraid to make a code change because you don’t know what you’ll break in the process. Any change to the software runs the risk of producing bugs that go undetected until found in production.
